Potong Ice Cream ♥♥♥

One of our favourtist dessert!! 😀

Decided to have a leisurely stroll down Orchard road..for our weekend date date..  Initial plans of indulging into Muddy mud pie from Coffee club was scrapped when we heard

” Ring ring ring “

And we saw a familiar sight… POTONG ICE CREAM Cart and uncle!!!! A little nudge is all it takes…..

durian choc


Mine’s the yellow one – Durian flavour!! yummy ^^

And his?? chocolate!!!!

PS the chocolate from this cart is not bad.. there’s a tinge of bitterness to the choc!! we both liked it 😀


We also love the coloured rainbow bread… we prefer this to using wafer biscuits to hold the ice cream chunks.. the bread is yummy and can soak up the melted ice cream 🙂

Then he spoke up..

But we won’t be able to sit down leisurely and enjoy the ice cream 😦

The witty me??? – so shameless right 😛

Let’s just sit by the benches, weather is fine and people watch as we eat. How’s that?  🙂

So off we went like school kids on a date and parked ourselves outside takashimaya hee hee ♥♥♥

eating ppl

An uninvited guest…


The pigeon must have thought..  kooooot… i’ve got food..

After sashaying for a while in front of us with no food offered…. it has decided to give up hahahaha

pig walkaway