Vial caps flowers

Am getting excited as I post this…. Here’s a snippet of what I’ve done 🙂


Yes I have finally disinfected and cleansed all the vial caps ….As alluded in my earlier post,am gonna try to diy something outta these colourful little cuties.

Got the glue and caps…

Only now I realized we probably have been using a rather limited range of drugs… 😦 Limited colours sob sobzzz

trying home

hmmm… should i do this… or this… or this…. ???

Psst… Looks like cyanotic tortoises hee hee 😛

Strategy… Gonna approach nurses from other wards to help collect… I need more colours!!! hee 😀

That’s him.. helping out 🙂


Thanks sweetie ^^ ♥♥♥

I think they look pretty awesome don’t they?? To be honest, they turned out alot better than expected 🙂


Am thinking of a bridal bouquet with these.. maybe even streamers, corsages, reception tables decor…

Any other ideas??? 😛

Cant wait for the finished product ♥♥♥

2 comments on “Vial caps flowers

  1. […] he will be here!! Ahh!!! its 730 am now and I’m still blogging on my DIY vial cap flowers  hee […]


  2. […] up with ideas, collecting of vial caps, sterilizing them, drying them, making the flowers (in this post), then eventually piecing them together… OMG!! it’s such a long drawn process… […]


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